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Sixia Chen, Ph.D.
Biostatistics & Epidemiology

Sixia Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Hudson College of Public Health
801 Northeast 13th Street, Room 325
Post Office Box 26901
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126-0901

(405) 271-2229, x48628

Dr. Chen has more than 16 years practical and theoretical research experience with survey sampling and missing data analysis problems. Before joining OUHSC, Dr. Chen served as the senior sampling statistician at Westat research organization (a world leading research organization in survey sampling and methods research) from 2012 to 2015. Dr. Chen has served as PI, Co-PI and Co-I for more than 35 local and national grants and contracts. Dr. Chen actively serves as reviewer for NIH, NSF, and PCORI. He has extensive inter-/multi-disciplinary research experience in data integration, machine learning, causal inference, missing data analysis, survey sampling, biostatistics, tobacco research, and Native American health disparity. He has more than 110 peer reviewed publications including methodological publications in top statistical journals (more than 40 are first or senior author articles). He is now serving as associate editor for the following four well-known peer reviewed journals: Journal of Korean Statistical Society, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Survey Methodology, and director of Novel Methodologies Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Core of the Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR).

In addition, Dr. Chen is now serving as the president of American Statistical Association Oklahoma Chapter and Vice Chair of district 4 of American Statistical Association. Dr. Chen is a Faculty Affiliate of the TSET Health Promotion Research Center and Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. He performs as faculty biostatistician for Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core, Biostatistics Core for Stephenson Cancer Center and Sooner Survey Center at OUHSC. Dr. Chen is a full member of Stephenson Cancer Center. He has also served as a consultant for the Tribal Epidemiology Center of the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board of Oklahoma since 2016. Dr. Chen won numerous prestigious awards including elected member of International Statistical Institute, 2022 and 2024 Winner of the Outstanding Chapter Service Award of American Statistical Association, 2023 Invited summer at census scholar, US Census Bureau and many others.

View Dr. Chen's personal website here. 


  • PhD, Statistics, Iowa State University, 2012 
  • BA, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Fudan University, 2007


  • Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Hudson College of Public Health, OUHSC, 2022–Present
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Hudson College of Public Health, OUHSC, 2015–2022
  • Senior sampling statistician, Westat, 2012-2015


  • BSE 6663 Analysis of Multivariate Data
  • BSE 5173 Biostatistics Methods II
  • BSE 5603 Sampling Theory and Methods
  • BSE 5653 Nonparametric Methods
  • BSE 5960 Directed Readings
  • BSE 5980 Research for Master's Thesis
  • BSE 6553 Linear Models I

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Survey sampling
  • Missing data problems
  • Machine learning and big data
  • Statistical disclosure control
  • Causal inference
  • Empirical likelihood
  • Non-parametric and semi-parametric modeling and small area estimation
  • Tobacco research and Native American health disparities

Select Publications:

Link to Dr. Chen's current publications

Select publications:

  1. S. Chen, D. Haziza, C. Leger and Z. Mashreghi. (2019). Pseudo-population bootstrap methods for imputed survey data. Biometrika, 106, 369-384 
  2. S. Chen and D. Haziza. (2019). On the nonparametric multiple imputation with multiply robustness. Statistica Sinica, 29, 2035-2053  
  3. S. Chen and D. Haziza. (2017). Multiply robust imputation procedures for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys. Biometrika. 104, 439-45 
  4. S. Chen and J. K. Kim. (2014). Two-phase sampling for propensity score estimation in self-selected samples. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 3, 1492-1515. 
  5. S. Chen and J. K. Kim. (2014). Population empirical likelihood for nonparametric inference in survey sampling. Statistica Sinica. 24, 335-35