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MS Biostatistics Student's First-Author Paper Accepted at International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

MS Biostatistics Student's First-Author Paper Accepted at International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Published: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Steven Pan, a master of science in biostatistics student, submitted a first-author paper to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health under the mentorship of Dr. Sixia Chen. The paper, titled "Empirical Comparison of Imputation Methods for Multivariate Missing Data in Public Health" was accepted and will be published in the special issue "Innovative Statistical Analysis in Public Health".  

Abstract of the paper: Sample estimates derived from data with missing values may be unreliable and negatively impact the inferences that researchers make about the underlying population due to nonresponse bias. As a result, imputation is often preferred to listwise deletion in handling multivariate missing data. In this study, we compared three popular imputation methods: sequential multiple imputation, fractional hot-deck imputation, and generalized efficient regression-based imputation with latent processes, for handling multivariate missingness under different missing patterns by conducting descriptive and regression analyses on the imputed data and see how the estimates differ from those generated from the full sample. Limited Monte Carlo simulation results by using National Health Nutrition and Examination Survey and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System are presented to demonstrate the effect of each imputation method on reducing bias and increasing efficiency for the parameter estimate of interest for that particular incomplete variable. Although these three methods did not always outperform listwise deletion in our simulated missing patterns, they improved many descriptive and regression estimates when used to impute all incomplete variables at once.